Synopsis: In the midst of an unexpected double shift (on Christmas Eve, no less) a group of degenerate hotel employees stumble their way through an unusual night of service. It’s a “coming of age when you’re already of age” story. Sometimes it takes a miracle to grow the hell up. Wake Up Call is a 90 minute contemporary play set in the lobby of a luxury boutique hotel in New York City. In the respect that hotels are transitional places for the guests, the same is true for the people that work there. Navigating through the misadventures of the evening, from outlandish guests to unpredictable coworkers, we follow their journey into adulthood. Sort of.
Director: Adam Thomas Smith
Playwrights: Veronica Cooper & Adam Thomas Smith
With: Veronica Cooper, Chris Gebauer, Jory Murphy, Brian Reilly, and Jennifer Teska