Synopsis: Agrodulce (Italian for bittersweet/sour-sweet) is a one-act play that deals with a family during the 24 hours after the sudden death of the matriarch. The story happens out of chronological order, instead unfolding like memory. It is sad, funny, bitter, and sweet.
Agrodulce is being presented as part of Skeleton Rep's Salon Series, a semi - monthly reading series that creates space for new plays to develop and receive exposure in front of a supportive audience in a comfortable setting (like a living room!), for the simple cost of bringing your own snack/drink. Afterward, the company then invites the audience to mingle with the actors, each other, and the playwright.
Director & Playwright: Ria T. DiLullo
With: Barron Bass, Claire Buckingham, Michelle Cage, John Carlin, Brendan Cataldo, Emmanuel Linden-Broner, Dani Martineck, Courtney McClellan & Miranda Poett