Synopsis: The Great Vanishing tracks the lives of a diverse group of citizens - scientists, teachers, artists, students, YouTubers and more - who wake up one day to learn that the Great Pyramid at Giza has disappeared without a trace. As ancient monuments begin to vanish around the world, human beings must learn to live with a new and terrifying uncertainty. Where are our ancient foundations going, and who among us is going with them?
Director: Ria T. DiLullo
Writers: C. Joi Adams, Lorna Brooks, Olivia Hrko, Sarah Jack, Ali Keller, Katelynn Kenney, Anya Kopischke, Sarah Krasnow, Zac MacKrell, Sophie Max, Evelyn Rivera-Cardenas, Emily Claire Schmitt, Kate Schwartz, Zennie Trieu, Austin Taylor, Ashley Kristeen Vega, Rebecca Henna Vineyard, Harrison Young & Joshua Young
With: Michael Axelrod, Barron B. Bass, Evelyn Carvera, Ria T. DiLullo, Vince Edgehill, Daniel Hughes, Sarah Jack, Carrie Keating, Katelynn Kenney, Sarah Krasnow, Molly Lang, Zac MacKrell, Zoe Map, Sophie Max, Anuj Parikh, Daniel Scarantino, Isabella Jane Schiller, Emily Claire Schmitt, AhDream Smith, Samantha Streich, Austin Taylor, Zennie Trieu, Ashley Kristeen Vega. Rebecca Henna Vineyard & Miranda Wilson